TripSit Rules: Difference between revisions

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:We define sourcing as asking for or providing a specific source for drugs. This includes, but is not limited to, asking for vendor names, asking for a dealers number/contact information, URLs, and specifics about offers or transaction details.
1). Sourcing is defined as: Discussion, requesting or posting the personaly identifying information of websites, online vendors and real-life people who sell or coordinate the purchase of: chemicals (legal, clearnet, or otherwise), paraphernalia, and currencies (bitcoin).
2). This includes websites such as Amazon.
3). Caffeine, Nootropics, research chemicals, "legal highs", herbal suppliments or blends and nitrous are all examples of legal substances that are still not allowed to be sourced.
4). Currencies such as bitcoin and dogecoin exist, but are not to be solicited on the network.
5). Keep in mind sarcasm is hard to tell on the internet, it's better to err on the side of caution when considering to jokingly ask for sources.
6). Please do not ask for a vendor's name, URL, PGP key or any other contact information.
