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Acetyl-Fentanyl is an opioid analgesic substance that is an analogue of Fentanyl. It's potency is roughly ~6.67 times that of Morphine. Making it ~15 times less potent than its parent compound Fentanyl.


Not much is currently known about the history of Acetyl-fentanyl, except that it was discovered around the same time as fentanyl, and has no currently acceptable medical use. Side effects of Acetyl-Fentanyl and other Fentanyl analogues are similar to those of Fentanyl.


Light 2-4 mg
Common 4-6 mg
Strong 6-10 mg+
Light 1-3 mg
Common 3-5 mg
Strong 5-7 mg+

NOTE: ~3.75mg Freebase = ~125ug Fentanyl IV = ~10mg Morphine IV'd.


Onset 10-20 minutes
Total 3-4 hours
Onset 5-10 minutes
Total 1-2 hours



  • Analgesia
  • Euphoria
  • Feelings of relaxation


  • Sedation
  • Changes in focus, attention


  • Respiratory depression
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Dry Mouth
  • Somnolence
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Urinary retention
  • Hallucinations

Harm Reduction

As Acetyl-Fentanyl is fairly potent, proper weighing of doses is essential, as well as proper identification of the substance.

  • Avoid driving and operating heavy machinery
  • Risk of Post-acute withdrawal effects
  • Strong addiction potential due to short effects
  • Risk of overdose/death

There has been multiple fatalities regarding this substance.

  • Europe

Between 2013 and August 2015 there has been 32 confirmed in four European member states. Germany (2), Poland (1), Sweden (27) and the United Kingdom (2)

  • Russia

Twelve deaths have been associated with Acetyl-Fentanyl in Russia since 2012.

  • USA

In July 2015 the DEA informed about 52 confirmed fatalities involving Acetyl-Fentanyl in the United States between 2013 and 2015.


Check out our Drug Combinations page and chart for interactions and combinations of common drugs.


The LD50 of acetlyfentanyl is 9.3 mg/kg in mice

Legal status

  • United States: Acetyl-Fentanyl is a Schedule 1 controlled substance as of May 2015.
  • Canada: As an analogue of Fentanyl, Acetyl-Fentanyl is a Schedule 1 controlled substance.
  • China: As of October, 2015 Acetyl-Fentanyl is a controlled substance in China.
  • Switzerland: Acetyl-Fentanyl is illegal in Switzerland as of December 2015.
  • United Kingdom: Acetyl-Fentanyl was made a class A drug as an analogue of Fentanyl in 1986.