
From TripSit Wiki
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#bookclub is for discussion of books.

#compsci is for discussion of technology.

#content is for suggesting changes to the wiki, submitting feedback about our harm reduction projects and offering to contribute. We are looking for developers!

#drugs is our most frequently used channel. It is used for general drug discussion.

#help is for people in need of help with their IRC clients.

#lounge is for people who wants to lounge around.

#music is for sharing and discussing music.

#mycology is for discussion of mushrooms.

#opiates is for discussion of opiate related drugs.

#psychonaut is for discussion of spirituality.

#sanctuary is for people currently under the influence of drugs who do not require immediate assistance and want a calm chat.

#science is for discussion anything science related.

#stims is for discussion of stimulants.

#tripsit, #tripsit1, #tripsit2 and #tripsit3 are for people currently under the influence of drugs who need help and those there to help them.

#tripsitters is a place to help on the network even if you aren't staff, meta-#tripsit talk. is a staff channel, join to discuss unclear rules or appeal bans.

#tripsitvip is a chat for long time users.

#tripsit-dev is for our development work.

#welcome is the entrance hall to our IRC network.

Click here to join all public channels!