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I have been actively using recreational substances and psychedelics as tools to help me get a grasp on the world around me and within myself. I started at a relatively young age and have 18 years of experience under my belt. Within that time frame I have been able to experience both the dark and light sides of recreational drug use. Because of the darker experiences and the experiences that have reflect off of others around me I have spent about 10 of those years actively participating in the harm reduction movement on the internet. Primarily at the Dextroverse as a long time senior member and eventual lead administrator. The Dextroverse is the longest running and largest harm reduction community surrounding DXM.


I firmly believe in the importance of spreading factual information, the dispelling of myth and misinformation, and encouraging others to take a scientific and intellectual approach to their own independent research before putting any substance into their body or before passing on information as fact to another person.