List of IRC bot commands
Common Commands
Syntax | Description | Example |
~report <#channel> <user> <reason> | Report a <user> in a <#channel> for a <reason>. This command can either be run publicly in a channel or anonymously in a PM to tripbot. | /msg tripbot ~report #drugs JoeTheTroll Asking where to get stuff. |
~drug <drug> | Displays the properties of the <drug>, for example: summary, dose, duration, effects and more. | ~drug LSD |
~drug <drug> <property> | Displays <property> information | ~drug LSD dose |
~factsheet <drug> | Links to the factsheet of the <drug>. | ~factsheet LSD |
~bconvert <dosage> <benzo1> <benzo2> | Converts <dosage> of <benzo1> to <benzo2>. | ~bconvert 2mg xanax klonopin |
Syntax | Description | Example |
~tripsit <user> | Ask for help in #tripsit on behalf of the <user> in need help. Messages all tripsitters and posts a message in #drugs and #tripsitvip. <user> is optional. | ~tripsit TripSitMe_12345 |
~gettripsitentries | After issuing this command, you will be PMed by tripbot when a new user comes into #tripsit and may need help. | |
~notripsitentries | Turns off the above alert of new users in #tripsit. | |
~clearmissing | If tripbot sends a private message saying you have missed notifies, this is a bug, and you can safely use this command to remove them. | |
~recovery position | Displays a link to an image on how to get into the recovery position. | The recovery position is designed to prevent suffocation through obstruction of the airway |
Syntax | Description | Example |
~qadd <category> = <quote> | Add a new <quote> to the <category> in the database, or creates a new <category> if it does not already exist. | ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch". |
The following modifiers can be used inside the quote text: | ~~category~~ - Includes text from a random quote in given category. | ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a ~~noun~~ and says "ouch". |
~~-nick-~~ - Includes the nick of the user displaying the quote. | ~qadd Jokes = ~~-nick-~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch". | |
~~-nicks-~~ - Includes the nick of a random user in the current channel. | ~qadd Jokes = ~~.nicks.~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch". | |
~<category> | Display a random quote from a given <category>. | ~Jokes |
~qsearch <category> = <text> | Search a <category> for quotes including the given <text>. | ~qsearch Jokes = walks |
~link <category> | Use this command to get a URL to the indicated quote <category>. | ~link Jokes |
~qcount <category> | Show the number of quotes stored in the given <category>, or if called without a category it will show the total number of quotes in the database. | ~qcount Jokes |
~rmlast <category> | Remove the last quote added to a given <category>. | ~rmlast Jokes |
~rm <category> = <quote> | Remove a given <quote> from the given <category>. | ~rm Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch". |
~rq | Show a random quote from the database. | |
~qstats | Displays quotes with the largest number of entries. |
Syntax | Description | Example |
~ri | Generate a random imgur image and post a link to it in the channel. Only returns images that are greater than 500x500 and omits common screen shot sizes. | |
~sri | Uses imgur's built in API to return random results. Returns less random images that generally have large numbers of views and are tagged. | |
~lri | The truly random imgur search. | |
~ud <word> | Returns the first Urban Dictionary definition for the <word> provided. | ~ud TripSit |
~xkcd <number> | Returns a link to the xkcd comic <number> specified, or the latest one if <number> is not given. | ~xkcd 1173 |
~rt <move> | Searches rotten tomatoes for the given <movie>. | ~rt Toy Story |
~listening <user> | Displays the last track the <user> listened to. | ~listening Teknos |
~set lastfm <username> | Assigns your Last.FM <username> to tripbot for the above command. | ~set lastfm TeknosMusic |
~say <target> <message> | Send the <target>, which may be a channel or a user, a <message>. | ~say Teknos Hello! |
~flashy <colour> <message> | Gives a link to a page that shows the <message> flashing in <colour>. | ~flashy blue hello |
Syntax | Description | Example |
~set timezone <timezone> | Set a <timezone>. See here for <timezone> names: | ~set timezone America/Chicago |
~time | Dispays your current | |
~time <user> | Displays the | ~time Teknos |
~usage <command> | Show usage information for a given <command>. | ~usage time |
<module> | Link module help for a <module> given either the module name or the name of a <command> belonging to a <module>. | help qadd |
~ignore <module> | Ignore a given <module>. If the user does not specify a <module>, or provides an invalid one a list of modules which are available to ignore will be given. <Modules> you can ignore are: spotify, github, js, link, quotes, report, spelling, poll, regex, youare, kick. | ~ignore spelling |
~unignore <module> | Unignore a previously ignored< module>. If you does not specify a <module>, or provide an invalid choice, a list of modules which are currently ignored will be given. | ~unignore spelling |
~wr <word> | Sends a search <word> to Wolfram Alpha and returns the result. | ~wr 20f to c |
~js <things and stuff> | For regular users, there is the ~js command, which is completely sandboxed, but can still be used for calculation and the like. | |
Spelling Corrections | Allows you to run regex replaces on both your own and others messages. One may run a regex on their own last message like so: | > user: I like turtles |
> user: s/turtles/pizza/ | ||
One may run a regex on another user's last message simple by highlighting the nick before the pattern: | > batman: I like TURTLES | |
> user: batman: s/turtles/pizza/i |
Tob Commands
Syntax | Description | Example |
Most commands below can be done in PM as well. Contact CustaiCo for any problems with tob. | ||
!seen <nick> | Displays the last time a <nick> was seen. | !seen Teknos |
!lastspoke <nick> | Displays the last time a <nick> spoke. | !lastspoke Teknos |
!bing <query> | Searches Bing with the given <query> and gives top 3 results. | !bing TripSit |
!news <query> | Gets top headline news for the <query> from Bing. | !news Elections |
!business !entertain !health !politics !sports !usnews !worldnews !tech | Domain specific news. | |
!image <query> | Finds a random image on the top 50 results for the given <query> returned by Bing. Adult filter is deactivated. | !image Cat pictures |
!spell <query> | Attempts to find a spelling correction for the <query>. | !spell benzodizapine |
!wa <query> | Submits <query> to Wolfram Alpha for evaluation. | !wa 40c to f |
!hmacsha256 <key> <message> | Calculates a hmac on the <message> using the bytes of the <key> phrase as the <key>. | !hmacsha256 password Hello! |