Sleepy Grass
Various species of the genus Stipa are found from
Texas to Guatemala. In the White Mountains of
the region of the Rio Grande, Stipa vaseyi Scribn.
[syn. Stipa robusta (Vasey) Scribn.] is known by
the name popoton sacaton, which is probably of
Aztec origin (Emboden 1979, 191 *). This grass is
said to have inebriating effects and in Guatemala
supposedly is used as a sleeping agent. A related species, Stipa viridula, is purported to have a
narcotic effect (Emboden 1976, 161*). It has
recently been claimed that another species native
to the American Southwest, Stipa robusta, exhibits
strong psychoactive effects. This sleepy grass lives
in a symbiotic relationship with a fungus (Acremonium)
that is thought to produce the ergot alkaloid
D-Iysergic acid amide (cf. Turbina corymbosa) in
the seeds. It has been claimed that a dosage of nine
seeds will produce LSD-like effects (DeKorne
1995,127*). Ethnographic evidence for any psychoactive
use is lacking.