List of staff and their roles
If your name is on this list, feel free to add to your duties, responsibilities, and how you are contributing to the network or would like to contribute to the network! If you wish to become part of the TripSit staff, please fill out an application and send it to a staff member (~staff application)
Staff List
- Teknos
- reality
- Physical
- Sundown
- toasterlizard
- Durrf
- Denniskombucha
- Lenny
- Sleep
- Amki
- 'Operators' are also IRCops.
- TheAmazingAnnika
- Egoannihilation
- GrimReaper
- JimmyCarr
- Trapdoor
- mollydreams
Staff members who are currently away, or taking a leave of absence.
- Alternut
- bod
- GentleInBed
- Ocore
- pandadream
- Mamimah
- trees
- whoami
- roi
- bot - RSSbot for tripsit related subreddits
- tripbot - the IRC bot you've come to know and love.
Nexus team
- n8wacht
- Pandadreams
VIP's and Special Exceptions
- Borax - Mod of r/drugs and drug knowledge consultant.
- Klafka - Our DanceSafe partner
- MAPSBryce - Our MAPS partner
- Geeza - Our ChemsRUs partner
Organisational Structure
Aside from primary staff positions, we organise ourselves based on a tree.
- Base of the team, responsible for making sure everything is running okay
- reality, Teknos
- "Projects" or "teams" that work on their own objectives
- Branch leaders report to admins on status of projects and direct their team (leaves) on how to procede
- Branch leaders depend on different projects. Suggested branch and branch leaders bellow, not final list.
- Staff who work on projects with their branch leaders
- Tripsitters
- Useful but not involved in the management of the network
Branches and their Point of Contacts
tripbot Branch
- Enhancing tripbot's code
- Branch Leader: reality
- Current Status: About to release 0.4!
- Some other commands here
- dbot documentation can be found here:
Radio Branch: #tripradio
- Enhances the radio broadcasting and gains awareness to the radio
- Branch Leader: None
- Current status: Getting more DJ's and diagrams on how to connect
- Upload Music to our FTP!: FTP INFO: ask reality, Teknos
Street Team branch
- Stickers, logos, advertisements, shirts, other merch
- Branch leader: None
- Current Status: Getting merch printed and shipped! Keep promoting for donations!
Nexus branch
- Moderate the nexus and promote online
- Branch leader: N8wacht
- Current Status: Promote the nexus! Use it!
Book Branch #bookclub
- Promote the book club and the exchange
- Branch Leader: Ocore
Steam Branch
- Steam Game Group
- Branch Leader: Teknos
FAQ Guide Branch
- Continuing to update our Drugs FAQ to include sources, side effects, and other helpful info
- Branch leader: Teknos
- Current Status: Editing
Psychonaut branch: #psychonaut
- Getting attention to our network from the /r/psychonaut crowd
- Branch leader: Teknos
Psychopharm branch: #psychopharm
- Provide factual assistance and promote the channel
- Branch Leader: Sundown
Tripsit VIP branch: #tripsitvip
- Promote the VIP room and bring regulars there
- Branch Leader: reality
Mediation Branch: #teamtripsit (also used for staff discussion)
- Someone who spends an obsessive amount of time in chat, knows the people, knows their conflicts, and helps resolve them
- Branch leader: reality
Drugs Branch: #drugs
- Promotion and moderation of the #drugs branch
- Branch Leader: reality
Tripsit Branch: #tripsit and /r/tripsit
- Promotion and moderation of the #tripsit branch
- Branch Leader: Teknos