List of IRC bot commands
bot is owned by bod. It announces new posts from a few related subreddits.
There's a few commands:
- General
- !voteban user yes/no
- !seen user
- !bitcoin exchange - shows bitcoin exchange rates. Defaults to mtgoxUSD
- !btcbal address - shows balance for a bitcoin address
- !weather city - shows weather for that areas
- !isup domain - checks whether a website works, and shows latency NEW
- !shorturl url - creates a short(er) URL for that URL
- Search Commands:
- !erowid query
- !google query
- !youtube query
- !mlp query
- Radio commands:
- %listeners
- %status
tripbot is reality's bot, and is a personal project of his:
- ~qadd quote=text
- ~report #channel user reasonhere
- ~lincent user
- ~loudest
- ~last user