List of IRC bot commands

From TripSit wiki
Revision as of 09:04, 20 May 2013 by Bod (talk | contribs) (adding !str2time !until and !calc)
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bot is owned by bod. It announces new posts from a few related subreddits. It runs eggdrop.

command parameters description access
!voteban [user] [yes OR no] vote to ban a user for a day or so. triggers a ban as soon as there's 2 or more votes. voting no decreases the vote count, yes increases it op or voice
!seen [user] when was a user last seen?
!weather [city] shows weather forecast for that area
!isup [domain] checks whether a website works, and shows latency
!shorturl [url] creates a short(er) URL for that URL
!ping if you get a reply, you're still connected to IRC
!image [whatever] find you an image of whatever NEW!
!calc [arithmetical problem] calculator, eg "2+2" makes the bot say "4"
!bitcoin [exchange] shows bitcoin exchange rates. Defaults to mtgoxUSD. List of supported exchages
!btcbal [address] shows balance for a bitcoin address
!setcountdown [unix timestamp] set countdown (set to 0 to disable) op or voice
!countdown shows time until countdown
!str2time [text] calculate unix timestamp for the text, it could be anything like "2pm CST" or "+5 hours" or "december 25, 2013". mostly used for setting a countdown
!until [unix timestamp] calculate time to unix timestamp, can be useful for testing a countdown.
!google [query] searches google
!erowid [query] searches erowid
!youtube [query] searches youtube
%listeners shows amount of radio listeners
%status shows radio status


tripbot is reality's bot, and is a personal project of his:

  • ~qadd quote=text
  • ~report #channel user reasonhere
  • ~lincent user
  • ~loudest
  • ~last user