Editing Factsheets

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This document describes how staff members can edit our Factsheets, which provides a database of concise drug information - upon which our IRC-based ~drug information is built, along with our web-based factsheets and its associated API.

Web Editing

Factsheet information can be edited live on the tripbot web interface on the specific factsheet pages after logging in - simply click 'edit.' Currently this does not support modifying aliases, adding properties or creating new drugs. These features are soon to come.


Factsheets can also be edited through IRC.


Set a property of a drug.

Syntax: ~setdrug [drugname] [fieldname] [Content here]

Standard fields are generally: onset, duration, after-effects, effects, wiki, summary, categories and avoid. However, for certain drugs custom fields may be added. Wiki is a link to our own TripSit Wiki page on the subject.


The dosage field currently requires a bit of a strict syntax. Information for different ROAs e.g. 2-FA is done like so:

~setdrug 2-FA dose Oral Light: 5-15mg Common: 15-30mg Strong: 30-50mg Heavy: 50+mg. | Insufflated Light: 10-30mg Common: 30-60mg Strong: 60-120mg Heavy: 120mg+ | NOTE: Insufflating does not appear to provide better bioavailability than oral ingestion, and will cause damage to nasal cavity.

ROAs are separated with the pipe symbol, starting each with the ROA name and then each level followed by a colon e.g. Light: is important. You can check that the data has been picked up correctly by testing if the 'formatted_dose' property exists under e.g. http://tripbot.tripsit.me/api/tripsit/getDrug?name=2-FA

The values which should be used for doses are (in ascending order):

  • Threshold
  • Light
  • Common
  • Strong
  • Heavy
  • Dangerous

Any notes should be added under a separate piped section titled 'NOTE', as if it were a separate ROA.

Onset, Duration and After-effects

All three duration properties work in a similar way to above. They can either have one duration for all ROAs, like so:

3-5 hours

or one for each, seperated by a pipe:

Oral: 3-5 hours | Insufflated: 3-7 hours

In terms of unit, either hours or minutes is fine. Ensure that the ROA names are the same in each field - for example, don't use Plugged and Insufflated and Oral in one property, but then use Plugged/Insufflated and Oral in another.


Remove a drug or a property of a drug.

Syntax: ~rmdrug [drugname] ([fieldname])

Field name is optional, and if called without one the entire entry for the drug will be removed.


This gives a drug a category.

Syntax: ~setdrugcategory [drugname] [category]

Currently accepted categories are: psychedelic, benzodiazepine, dissociative, opioid, depressant, stimulant, habit-forming, research-chemical, empathogen, deliriant, nootropic, tentative, inactive.


Remove drug category.

Syntax: ~rmdrugcategory [drugname] [category]


This sets an alias of a drug.

Syntax: ~setdrugalias [drugname] [altname]


Removes an alias of a drug.

Syntax: ~rmdrugalias [drugname] [altname]


Changes display name.

Syntax: ~setdrugprettyname [drugname] [prettyname]


Adds a reference for the drug, like so:

~adddrugsource [drugname] [property] [reference content]

You can either reference a particular property of the dose, such as its 'dose,' or use 'general' to add a general reference for information about the drug - if you do this, attach an explanation of the source. The format for sources should be [link] - [explanation]. For example, ~adddrugsource ketamine general https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ketamine/ketamine_article2.shtml - Bladder and lower urinary tract discomfort, up to and including tissue necrosis requiring replacement of bladder, ureters, and urethra, has been reported. An explanation may not be required for non-general references.