Editing Factsheets

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This document describes how staff members can edit our Factsheets, which provides a database of concise drug information - upon which our IRC-based ~drug information is built, along with our web-based factsheets and its associated API.


Set a property of a drug.

Syntax: *~setdrug [drugname] [fieldname] [Content here]*

Standard fields are generally: onset, duration, after-effects, effects, wiki, summary, categories and avoid. However, for certain drugs custom fields may be added. Wiki is a link to our own TripSit Wiki page on the subject.


The dosage field currently requires a bit of a strict syntax. Information for different ROAs e.g. 2cb is done like so:

  • ~setdrug 2cb dose Oral Light: 5-15mg Common: 15-30mg Strong: 30-50mg Heavy: 50mg+ | Insufflated/Plugged Light: 5-10mg Common: 10-20mg Strong: 20-30mg Heavy: 30mg+*

ROAs are separated with the pipe symbol, starting each with the ROA name and then each level followed by a colon e.g. Light: is important. You can check that the data has been picked up correctly by testing if the 'formatted_dose' property exists under e.g. http://tripbot.trpsit.me/api/tripsit/getDrug?name=2cb


Remove a drug or a property of a drug.

Syntax: *~rmdrug [drugname] ([fieldname])*

Field name is optional, and if called without one the entire entry for the drug will be removed.


This gives a drug a category.

Syntax: *~setdrugcategory [drugname] [category]*

Currently accepted categories are: psychedelic, dissociative, stimulant, depressant, opioid, benzodiazepine, other.


Remove drug category.

Syntax: *~rmdrugcategory [drugname] [category]*


This sets an alias of a drug.

Syntax: *~setdrugalias [drugname] [altname]*