List of IRC bot commands: Difference between revisions

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== TripBot ==
=== Common Commands ===
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
| ~report <#channel> <user> <reason> || Report a <user> in a <#channel> for a <reason>. This command can either be run publicly in a channel or anonymously in a PM to tripbot. || /msg tripbot ~report #drugs JoeTheTroll Asking where to get stuff.
| ~<drug> || Displays the properties of the <drug>, for example: summary, dose, duration, effects and more. || ~LSD
| ~drug <drug> || Same as above|| ~drug LSD
| ~<drug> <property> || Displays <property> information || ~LSD dose
| ~drug <drug> <property> || Same as above || ~drug LSD dose
| ~factsheet <drug> || Links to the factsheet of the <drug>. || ~factsheet LSD
| ~bconvert <dosage> <benzo1> <benzo2> || Converts <dosage> of <benzo1> to <benzo2>. || ~bconvert 2mg xanax klonopin

== bot ==
=== TripSitting ===
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
| ~tripsit <user> || Ask for help in #tripsit on behalf of the <user> in need help. Messages all tripsitters and posts a message in #tripsitters, #tripsitvip and staff channels. <user> is optional. || ~tripsit TripSitMe_12345
| ~gettripsitcalls || After Issuing this command, you will be PM'd by tripbot when a user uses ~tripsit in #tripsit, #tripsit1 or #tripsit3 and needs help. ||
| ~notripsitcalls || Turns off the above ~tripsit alerts. ||
| ~gettripsitentries || After issuing this command, you will be PM'd by tripbot when a new user comes into #tripsit, #tripsit1 or #tripsit2 and may need help. ||
| ~notripsitentries || Turns off the above alert of new users in the #tripsit channels. ||
| ~clearmissing || If tripbot sends a private message saying you have missed notifies, this is a bug, and you can safely use this command to remove them. ||
| ~recovery position|| Displays a link to an image on how to get into the recovery position. || The recovery position is designed to prevent suffocation through obstruction of the airway
| ~breathe[1,2,3] || Displays a link to an image/gif of a breathing pattern to help calm a person down. There's different variants of the command as seen in the bracket ||
| ~boxbreathing || Same as above just another variations ||

''bot'' is owned by bod. It announces new posts from a few related subreddits.
=== Dosage Tracker ===

There's a few commands:
{| class="wikitable"
* General
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
** !voteban ''user'' ''yes''/''no''
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
** !seen ''user''
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
** !bitcoin ''exchange'' - shows bitcoin exchange rates. Defaults to mtgoxUSD
** !weather ''city'' - shows weather for that areas '''NEW'''
| ~idose <dose> <drug> <method> || Tripbot will remember the dose and the timing for you. [ Make sure to set a timezone before using this], else the absolute time might be inaccurate. Relative time will still be accurate. '''Running this multiple times will overwrite the previous stored dose'''. Please note this functionality only works in private messages with tripbot. ||  ~idose 100mg MDMA
* Search Commands:
** !erowid ''query''
| ~lastdose || Tripbot responds with your latest dose, including drug, dose and timing. || <@tripbot>: You last dosed 100mg of MDMA  3 hours ago (22:00 on 13/05/2017).
** !google ''query''
** !youtube ''query''
| ~set upidose true/false ||  tripbot will upload your dose history and send it to you when you add a new drug with ~idose ||  ~set upidose true
** !mlp ''query''
* Radio commands:
** %listeners
** %status

== tripbot ==
=== Quotes ===
tripbot is reality's bot, and is a personal project of his:
{| class="wikitable"
* ~qadd quote=text
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
* ~report #channel user reasonhere
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
* ~lincent ''user''
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
* ~loudest
* ~last ''user''
| ~qadd <category> = <quote> || Add a new <quote> to the <category> in the database, or creates a new <category> if it does not already exist. || ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch".
| The following modifiers can be used inside the quote text: || ~~category~~ - Includes text from a random quote in given category. || ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a ~~noun~~ and says "ouch".
|  || ~~-nick-~~ - Includes the nick of the user displaying the quote. || ~qadd Jokes = ~~-nick-~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch".
|  || ~~-nicks-~~ - Includes the nick of a random user in the current channel. || ~qadd Jokes = ~~.nicks.~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch".
| ~<category> || Display a random quote from a given <category>. || ~Jokes
| ~qsearch <category> = <text> || Search a <category> for quotes including the given <text>. || ~qsearch Jokes = walks
| ~link <category> || Use this command to get a URL to the indicated quote <category>. || ~link Jokes
| ~setwebpass <password> || Use this command to create a password to login on the above link with <username>@tripsit as the user. NOTE: Do this in a private message with tripbot or else everyone can see the password! || ~setwebpass test
| ~qcount <category> || Show the number of quotes stored in the given <category>, or if called without a category it will show the total number of quotes in the database. || ~qcount Jokes
| ~rmlast <category> || Remove the last quote added to a given <category>. || ~rmlast Jokes
| ~rm <category> = <quote> || Remove a given <quote> from the given <category>. || ~rm Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch".
| ~rq || Show a random quote from the database. ||
| ~qstats || Displays quotes with the largest number of entries. ||
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
| ~set timezone <timezone> || Set a <timezone>. See here for <timezone> names:&nbsp; || ~set timezone America/Chicago
| ~time || Dispays your current time. || ~time
| ~time <user> || Displays the <time> of the <user>. || ~time Teknos
| ~set lastfm <username> || Assigns your Last.FM <username> to tripbot for the ~listening command. || ~set lastfm TeknosMusic
| ~listening || Displays the last track the user listened to. || ~listening
| ~listening <user> || Displays the last track the <user> listened to. || ~listening Teknos
| ~words || Displays number of words used by the user since registering || ~words
| ~words <user> || Displays number of words used by <user> since registering. Not all users are tracked. || ~words Teknos
=== Utility ===
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
| ~usage <command> || Show usage information for a given <command>. || ~usage js
| ~help <command>|<module> || Link module help for a <module> given either the module name or the name of a <command> belonging to a <module>. || help qadd
| ~ignore <module> || Ignore a given <module>. If the user does not specify a <module>, or provides an invalid one a list of modules which are available to ignore will be given. <Modules> you can ignore are: spotify, github, js, link, quotes, report, spelling, poll, regex, youare, kick. || ~ignore spelling
| ~unignore <module> || Unignore a previously ignored< module>. If you does not specify a <module>, or provide an invalid choice, a list of modules which are currently ignored will be given. || ~unignore spelling
| ~yt <video name> || Searches YouTube for <video name> and returns the top result || ~yt joey diaz ranch dressing
| ~spotify <song> || Searches Spotify for <song> and returns a https link if found || ~spotify Ott Mr Balloon Hands
| ~wr <word> || Sends a search <word> to Wolfram Alpha and returns the result. || ~wr 20f to c
| ~js <things and stuff> || For regular users, there is the ~js command, which is completely sandboxed, but can still be used for calculation and the like. ||
| ~botcommands || Links to this page ||
| ~basiccommands || Links to our section on basic IRC commands ||
| Spelling Corrections || Allows you to run regex replaces on both your own and others messages. One may run a regex on their own last message like so: || > user: I like turtles
|  || || > user: s/turtles/pizza/
|  || One may run a regex on another user's last message simple by highlighting the nick before the pattern: || > batman: I like TURTLES
|  || || > user: batman: s/turtles/pizza/i
=== Entertainment ===
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Syntax
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Description
! scope="col" style="width: 33%;" | Example
| ~ri || Generate a random imgur image and post a link to it in the channel. Only returns images that are greater than 500x500 and omits common screen shot sizes. ||
| ~sri || Uses imgur's built in API to return random results. Returns less random images that generally have large numbers of views and are tagged. ||
| ~lri || The truly random imgur search. ||
| ~ud <word> || Returns the first Urban Dictionary definition for the <word> provided. || ~ud TripSit
| ~xkcd <number> || Returns a link to the xkcd comic <number> specified, or the latest one if <number> is not given. || ~xkcd 1173
| ~flashy <colour> <message> || Gives a link to a page that shows the <message> flashing in <colour>. || ~flashy blue hello
| ~triptoy || Gives a link to a fun website for tripping. Click the link to see a full list of [[List_Of_Trip_Toys|Trip Toys]] ||

Latest revision as of 21:39, 21 November 2021


Common Commands

Syntax Description Example
~report <#channel> <user> <reason> Report a <user> in a <#channel> for a <reason>. This command can either be run publicly in a channel or anonymously in a PM to tripbot. /msg tripbot ~report #drugs JoeTheTroll Asking where to get stuff.
~<drug> Displays the properties of the <drug>, for example: summary, dose, duration, effects and more. ~LSD
~drug <drug> Same as above ~drug LSD
~<drug> <property> Displays <property> information ~LSD dose
~drug <drug> <property> Same as above ~drug LSD dose
~factsheet <drug> Links to the factsheet of the <drug>. ~factsheet LSD
~bconvert <dosage> <benzo1> <benzo2> Converts <dosage> of <benzo1> to <benzo2>. ~bconvert 2mg xanax klonopin


Syntax Description Example
~tripsit <user> Ask for help in #tripsit on behalf of the <user> in need help. Messages all tripsitters and posts a message in #tripsitters, #tripsitvip and staff channels. <user> is optional. ~tripsit TripSitMe_12345
~gettripsitcalls After Issuing this command, you will be PM'd by tripbot when a user uses ~tripsit in #tripsit, #tripsit1 or #tripsit3 and needs help.
~notripsitcalls Turns off the above ~tripsit alerts.
~gettripsitentries After issuing this command, you will be PM'd by tripbot when a new user comes into #tripsit, #tripsit1 or #tripsit2 and may need help.
~notripsitentries Turns off the above alert of new users in the #tripsit channels.
~clearmissing If tripbot sends a private message saying you have missed notifies, this is a bug, and you can safely use this command to remove them.
~recovery position Displays a link to an image on how to get into the recovery position. The recovery position is designed to prevent suffocation through obstruction of the airway
~breathe[1,2,3]  Displays a link to an image/gif of a breathing pattern to help calm a person down. There's different variants of the command as seen in the bracket
~boxbreathing Same as above just another variations

Dosage Tracker

Syntax Description Example
~idose <dose> <drug> <method> Tripbot will remember the dose and the timing for you. Make sure to set a timezone before using this, else the absolute time might be inaccurate. Relative time will still be accurate. Running this multiple times will overwrite the previous stored dose. Please note this functionality only works in private messages with tripbot. ~idose 100mg MDMA
~lastdose Tripbot responds with your latest dose, including drug, dose and timing. <@tripbot>: You last dosed 100mg of MDMA 3 hours ago (22:00 on 13/05/2017).
~set upidose true/false tripbot will upload your dose history and send it to you when you add a new drug with ~idose ~set upidose true


Syntax Description Example
~qadd <category> = <quote> Add a new <quote> to the <category> in the database, or creates a new <category> if it does not already exist. ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch".
The following modifiers can be used inside the quote text: ~~category~~ - Includes text from a random quote in given category. ~qadd Jokes = A man walks into a ~~noun~~ and says "ouch".
~~-nick-~~ - Includes the nick of the user displaying the quote. ~qadd Jokes = ~~-nick-~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch".
~~-nicks-~~ - Includes the nick of a random user in the current channel. ~qadd Jokes = ~~.nicks.~~ walks into a bar and says "ouch".
~<category> Display a random quote from a given <category>. ~Jokes
~qsearch <category> = <text> Search a <category> for quotes including the given <text>. ~qsearch Jokes = walks
~link <category> Use this command to get a URL to the indicated quote <category>. ~link Jokes
~setwebpass <password>  Use this command to create a password to login on the above link with <username>@tripsit as the user. NOTE: Do this in a private message with tripbot or else everyone can see the password!  ~setwebpass test
~qcount <category> Show the number of quotes stored in the given <category>, or if called without a category it will show the total number of quotes in the database. ~qcount Jokes
~rmlast <category> Remove the last quote added to a given <category>. ~rmlast Jokes
~rm <category> = <quote> Remove a given <quote> from the given <category>. ~rm Jokes = A man walks into a bar and says "ouch".
~rq Show a random quote from the database.
~qstats Displays quotes with the largest number of entries.


Syntax Description Example
~set timezone <timezone> Set a <timezone>. See here for <timezone> names: ~set timezone America/Chicago
~time Dispays your current time. ~time
~time <user> Displays the ~time Teknos
~set lastfm <username> Assigns your Last.FM <username> to tripbot for the ~listening command. ~set lastfm TeknosMusic
~listening Displays the last track the user listened to. ~listening
~listening <user> Displays the last track the <user> listened to. ~listening Teknos
~words Displays number of words used by the user since registering ~words
~words <user> Displays number of words used by <user> since registering. Not all users are tracked. ~words Teknos


Syntax Description Example
~usage <command> Show usage information for a given <command>. ~usage js
<module> Link module help for a <module> given either the module name or the name of a <command> belonging to a <module>. help qadd
~ignore <module> Ignore a given <module>. If the user does not specify a <module>, or provides an invalid one a list of modules which are available to ignore will be given. <Modules> you can ignore are: spotify, github, js, link, quotes, report, spelling, poll, regex, youare, kick. ~ignore spelling
~unignore <module> Unignore a previously ignored< module>. If you does not specify a <module>, or provide an invalid choice, a list of modules which are currently ignored will be given. ~unignore spelling
~yt <video name> Searches YouTube for <video name> and returns the top result  ~yt joey diaz ranch dressing
~spotify <song> Searches Spotify for <song> and returns a https link if found ~spotify Ott Mr Balloon Hands
~wr <word> Sends a search <word> to Wolfram Alpha and returns the result. ~wr 20f to c
~js <things and stuff> For regular users, there is the ~js command, which is completely sandboxed, but can still be used for calculation and the like.
~botcommands  Links to this page
~basiccommands  Links to our section on basic IRC commands
Spelling Corrections Allows you to run regex replaces on both your own and others messages. One may run a regex on their own last message like so: > user: I like turtles
> user: s/turtles/pizza/
One may run a regex on another user's last message simple by highlighting the nick before the pattern: > batman: I like TURTLES
> user: batman: s/turtles/pizza/i


Syntax Description Example
~ri Generate a random imgur image and post a link to it in the channel. Only returns images that are greater than 500x500 and omits common screen shot sizes.
~sri Uses imgur's built in API to return random results. Returns less random images that generally have large numbers of views and are tagged.
~lri The truly random imgur search.
~ud <word> Returns the first Urban Dictionary definition for the <word> provided. ~ud TripSit
~xkcd <number> Returns a link to the xkcd comic <number> specified, or the latest one if <number> is not given. ~xkcd 1173
~flashy <colour> <message> Gives a link to a page that shows the <message> flashing in <colour>. ~flashy blue hello
~triptoy Gives a link to a fun website for tripping. Click the link to see a full list of Trip Toys