How to Connect using IRCCloud

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Revision as of 17:11, 23 October 2016 by Toasterlizard (talk | contribs) (Corrected 'advanced' to 'Advanced Options')
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While TripSit allows most IRC clients to connect without registering a nickname first, the way IRCCloud's client/relaying service is designed facilitates an excessive amount of use solely for the purposes of evading bans on our network.

For this reason TripSit now requires IRCCloud users to identify with SASL. Don't worry, this is easier than it sounds.

You will need to connect using a different client/service at least once to register your nickname. You can use kiwi to do this.

Register a nickname

Connect using a different client/service and register a nickname with NickServ (More information can be found on the How To Register your Nickname page.)

Configure IRCCloud

Set it to connect to on port 6697; Configure your client to identify with SASL, otherwise you won't be able to connect. IRCCloud doesn't label it as such, but this is accomplished by clicking Advanced Options, then putting in your NickServ password in the provided text box. Click save.


Connect! If there's any issue, the #help room has staff there to address network-related issues, such as problems connecting.